Blog, News & Stuff

The Chamber’s Hymn

The Chamber’s Hymn

To Whom It May Concern, The Chamber's Hymn has an official release date. April 5, 2021. I hope you are ready to meet Hunzi X. This is the first book in a new political series that I am launching. Although it is a political thriller series it is not bogged down with...

Where Do I Stand….On This Day

Where Do I Stand….On This Day

Today is November 9, 2020. It's been a few days since the election was called in favor of President-Elect Biden and Vice-President Elect Harris. I'm so glad that it is over at least for right now. I know lawsuits have been filed and nothing is official until someone...

Enough Already! Mystery Boxes Are Coming.

Enough Already! Mystery Boxes Are Coming.

As I think about all the books I plan to write, an idea hit me, that I thought would be a great way for me to offer things in-between book releases. The KTR Book Boxes are coming. Every month the team will curate a special box that will be spectacular. So spectacular...

Check Out The Brand New Cover

Check Out The Brand New Cover

A Hunzi X Prequel Ta DA!! What do you think of the cover for the first Hunzi X , THE CHAMBER'S HYMN, which will be available as a free download April 5, 2021. What do you think this book will be about? When I see this cover I want to run to the nearest courthouse and...



I have officially finished writing what will be the prequel for the Hunzi X Series. It took me a little longer than I thought it would to write this story. I really had to take some time and think about the background of the main character. There were some things that...

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