Enough Already! Mystery Boxes Are Coming.

Enough Already! Mystery Boxes Are Coming.

As I think about all the books I plan to write, an idea hit me, that I thought would be a great way for me to offer things in-between book releases. The KTR Book Boxes are coming. Every month the team will curate a special box that will be spectacular. So spectacular...
Check Out The Brand New Cover

Check Out The Brand New Cover

A Hunzi X Prequel Ta DA!! What do you think of the cover for the first Hunzi X , THE CHAMBER’S HYMN, which will be available as a free download April 5, 2021. What do you think this book will be about? When I see this cover I want to run to the nearest...


I have officially finished writing what will be the prequel for the Hunzi X Series. It took me a little longer than I thought it would to write this story. I really had to take some time and think about the background of the main character. There were some things that...
I’m Just Letting Myself Go.

I’m Just Letting Myself Go.

I’ve come to the realization that I am embracing the pandemic-quarantine with full fashion. Including the fact that I am no longer being fashionable. Since I’m not going anywhere I don’t feel the need to get up and get dressed. So my go-to-outfit of...
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